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Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's Twins!

I got one of the biggest surprises when I found out that not only had a high school friend had another baby, but she had twins! I was very excited to go visit these little angels & play with some new props that Christy created just for us! (Still trying to talk her into opening a store that I can promote!) This was my first set of twins to photograph and only the 2nd nearly newborn shoot I have ever done! We sweated and crawled around on the floor for 2 hours and had a great time doing it!! Trust me when I say newborn photographers earn every penny of their money!! Enjoy!!

Kaylie's 10!

I can't believe another year has come & gone! My 2nd child has hit double digits! I always give my kids creative range in their birthday pics. If you knew my daughter then you would know that the candy theme she picked suits her to a tee! We had fun doing this colorful shoot even though it was the middle of February on a VERY COLD & VERY WINDY day! Sigh....before I know it I will be posting her senior pics!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Josh & Shelby

Well....if you have read any of my earlier blogs you will recognize my best friend's kids! My kids often forget that they are not actually related to Josh & Shelby! Christy & I enjoy any excuse that allows us to hang out together and what better excuse is there than taking pictures! I grabbed a few shots for Christy's Christmas cards and if ya love the hats you will see in the following pics, then you should join me in trying to get Christy to sell her creations!!! She can make anything!!!! Hope ya love these as much as love these kiddos!

Three Reindeer!

Heather & I have been trying to get together to take pics for about year! We started trying to plan for Easter pics and before we knew it Christmas was here! (Yes, this is a Christmas post in April! If you've read my blog before then you know I am soooooo bad at keeping my blog up to date!) Lee was one of my pre-k students a few years ago & he just as sweet now as he was then! His little sister, Amiee cheered with my youngest this past fall & she is just too cute!! Bless her heart, MacKenzie was a great big sister & had a great amount of patience as we tried to bride Amiee into a few smiles and her Mom's fun Christmas ideas for our pics! Hope they had as much fun as I did!
 the title of the blog makes more sense! LOL!

What can I say about Luke & Jenna! I love them to pieces and Aunt Kim loves taking their pics any time! Like most little boys Luke would rather do just about anything than pose for me and Jenna is such a sweetheart that taking a good pic of her is easy cheesey! This was such a fun afternoon & a few great shots to boot!

The Knight Family

I was so glad to hear from Leslie when she called for family pics! Our families have known each other for years and we go alllllll the way back to the same little high school. Now all these years later we ended living minutes apart and our kids go to school together, so I guess it true what they say about it being a small world! I had a great time and hope they enjoyed the pics as much as I enjoyed taking them!